Ela Castellanos-Reyes
My name is Daniela (Ela) Castellanos-Reyes. I'm an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University as part of the Digital Transformation of Education cluster. I am a 2022/2023 NAEd/Dissertation Fellow and I hold a Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction focused on Learning Design and Technology from Purdue University. My research interests include online interactions of adults and learners and identifying course design features that support online learners' social presence through social learning analytics. I also have worked on networked learning in instructional design.
You can connect with me via my email dcastel2[at]ncsu[dot]edu
or through my social media.
Purdue University
Ph.D. in Learning Design and Technology
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Richardson
Purdue University
Quantitative Research, Assessment and Evaluation in Education - Graduate Certificate
Purdue University
M.Sc. Learning Design and Technology
Purdue University
Foundations in College Teaching, Center of Instructional Excellence - Teaching Certificate
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
B.A. English Philology and English Education
Online learning |
Social Presence |
Learning Analytics |
Meta-Analysis |
Evidence-based practices | Educational Data Science |
Culture in Online Learning | Network Analysis