Ela Castellanos-Reyes

Daniela Castellanos-Reyes, Yukiko Maeda & Jennifer Richardson
In edited volume: Social Media: Influences on Education. Information Age Publishing.
This chapter presents a systematic review of 31 studies that focused on the effect of using social network sites (SNSs) for educational purposes on students’ perceived learning and satisfaction. It was found that SNSs support these out- comes when guidance and rules are clearly specified to learners. A subset of the studies was also used for a meta-analysis. Small positive relations between SNSs and student satisfaction (r = .17) and SNSs and perceived learning (r = .23) were found. 𝐼2 statistics (95% for satisfaction and 84% for perceived learning) indicated that effect sizes across studies were heterogeneous. Face- book was found to be a cost-effective alternative to learning management systems. Research with additional constructs like motivation is recommended.
Castellanos-Reyes, D., Maeda, Y., & Richardson J.C. (2021). The relationship between social network sites and perceived learning and satisfaction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [book chapter]. In M. Griffin & C. Zinskie (Eds.), Social Media: Influences on Education. Information Age Publishing.